Add volume to the facial area without manmade materials using a facial fat transfer

istock 1062634596At Aura Skin Spa, we have a wide range of solutions for the face and body. When it comes to targeting volume loss in the face, as well as skin laxity that contributes to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, many of our patients want to avoid invasive plastic surgery whenever possible. This is why we offer a range of injectables and cosmetic services to help tighten the skin and restore a youthful appearance. One of the ways in which we can do this is with fat grafting, sometimes referred to as facial fat transfers.

What is a facial fat transfer?

Facial fat transfer utilizes fat cells that have been harvested from another area of the body and then reinjects it where volume is needed. It is used to address wrinkles and folds on the face, and can even add volume where it has been lost, such as the cheeks, temples, or around the eyes. In a sense, the fat cells are used as an injectable to transfer it from somewhere it is not needed to the face where a patient can benefit.

Who is a candidate for facial fat transfers?

Dr. Anthony Waechter encourages patients to call his office and book a consultation appointment to learn about all the anti-aging solutions provided in the practice. Patients will find that they are typically a viable candidate for facial fat transfers, as there is no risk of an allergic reaction as the patient’s own fat cells are used.

Where can facial fat transfers be used?

The most popular areas of the face that benefit from facial fat transfers include:

  • Around the eye
  • Directly into fine lines and wrinkles
  • On the temples
  • In the cheeks
  • Around the mouth for nasolabial folds and marionette lines
  • Tear troughs
  • In the chin (chin augmentation)

Discuss your needs with Dr. Anthony Waechter of Aura Skin Spa

San Francisco, California area patients who are interested in learning more about solutions such as facial fat transfers can connect with our professionals to discuss candidacy. Patients are welcome to book an appointment at 118 Columbus Avenue by calling (415) 788-3800. His facility is available for new and current patients ready to enhance their appearance with today’s amazing technologies.

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