Aura Skin Spa is the premiere medical spa for laser hair removal in San Francisco. Our team of medical professionals have performed thousands of procedures. We offer several lasers (alexandrite and YAG wavelengths) for hair reduction that safely and effectively removes unwanted hair anywhere on the face or body for men and women and on all skin types.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Laser hair removal works by producing a beam of high-intensity light that penetrates deep into skin tissue. The light delivers a controlled amount of therapeutic heat which is attracted to the pigment contained in the hair follicle, thus destroying it while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected.
Technology matters. Aura features a Candela GentleMax Pro, that has both a long-pulse alexandrite wavelength for fair skin types and a YAG wavelength ideal for darker skin types. Therefore, the laser’s wavelength, the patient’s skin color and hair coarseness will determine the amount of treatments necessary for effective hair reduction. Typically, 6 sessions are required at approximately four to eight week intervals. Additional sessions may be required for optimal results. The area being treated determines the duration between treatments (i.e. face – 4 weeks, bikini – 6 weeks, legs – 8 weeks).
One of the key features of the Candela GentleMax Pro is a Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) – a patented technology that provides each patient with increased comfort and safety. The Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) technology protects the upper layers of your skin with a cooling burst of cryogen. Together, the long-pulse laser and DCD cooling offer optimal treatment with minimal side effects.
Who Is A Candidate For Laser Hair Removal?
At Aura, we can treat all skin types. Candidates with lighter skin and darker hair typically require fewer sessions. People with darker skin may require more sessions for effective results to be achieved.
Blond, red, grey or white hair does not work. The reason for this is there is no melanin in the hair follicle and hence, no target for the laser.
Our medical professionals may perform a test patch during the initial consultation to determine if you are a candidate and eligible for laser hair removal in our San Francisco office.
How Do I Prepare For Laser Hair Removal Treatment?
The best way to prepare for laser hair removal is to not wax or tweeze the hair. The hair follicle needs to be in place for the process to work. You may be asked to shave the hair a day before or the day of your treatment depending on the area being treated. Depending on the laser being used, we ask patients not to tan or use self-tanners.
What Can I Expect During A Laser Hair Removal Treatment?
Depending on the amount of hair treated, the procedure varies from patient to patient. Generally, each patient can expect the following.
- Treatments are performed in the privacy and comfort of our San Francisco medical spa, by a certified medical professional.
- Safety eyeglasses are worn to protect the physician or nurse practitioner and the patient’s eyes from the laser light during the procedure.
- A small hand-piece that touches the skin is used to deliver the laser light and a light spray of coolant is delivered and felt on the skin just before each laser pulse.
- A test area may be done prior to the entire treatment. A full treatment may be done on the same day or up to two weeks later, depending on the skin’s reaction.
- Most patients experience very little discomfort at the treatment site because of the Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) which helps to cool the skin.
- The procedure could take as little as a few minutes to as long as an hour, depending on the area being treated.
- The treated area may become pink or red within 30 minutes of treatment; this may last from a few minutes to several days and is relieved with the application of ice, cooling gels or other calming agents.
What Happens After Laser Hair Removal?
Typically, the hair on the surface of the skin is singed immediately after a treatment. The hair follicle is also damaged and swells up. The treatment area can become temporarily pink or red. This only lasts minutes to hours. There is no down-time and you can resume your daily activities immediately.
Call or email us today to schedule a consultation for laser hair removal in our San Francisco medical spa!
How Immediate Are Laser Hair Removal Results?
Results can be seen immediately after a treatment. However, permanent hair reduction will not be long-term until a series of treatments have been performed. Everyone will need at least six sessions to see good results.
Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?
The degree of discomfort varies with each person, depending on his/her pain threshold. Some patients may feel slight discomfort with the laser pulse, sometimes described as the snapping of a rubber band on the skin. This discomfort is minimized by Candela’s DCD (Dynamic Cooling Device).
Topical anesthesia such as lidocaine cream or ointment is recommended for sensitive areas for laser hair removal treatments and Aura will provide a prescription for each patient at the initial consultation.
Are There Any Laser Hair Removal Side Effects?
Lasers have been used for many years for a variety of medical and cosmetic procedures. Laser hair removal in our San Francisco medical spa is an extremely safe procedure. At Aura, we have board certified physicians that oversee our treatments and highly trained physician assistants, nurse practitioners and registered nurses performing laser hair removal.
Some of the side effects that can occur are pigmentary changes, such as a darkening or lightening of the skin. These changes can persist for a period of many months, however, are almost always temporary. Blisters and burns can also occur, although rare. Darker skin types are at a higher risk.
Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?
Laser hair removal is accomplished through a series of multiple sessions. Treatments are performed approximately every four to eight weeks. The average number of sessions to achieve over 80 percent permanent hair reduction in a good candidate is 6 sessions or more. Maintenance sessions may be required for some patients. Many patients find that maintenance sessions done once or twice a year after completing the initial treatment protocol is ideal for keeping the hair away.
How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost?
Laser hair removal is affordable if you consider the costs of waxing, over-the-counter topical hair removal products, and other hair reduction methods over the course of many years. The price also depends on the area being treated. Aura Skin Spa offers free consultations and various financing options for our patients in San Francisco.
Hair Removal FAQs:
In the state of California, a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner or a registered nurse can perform laser hair removal. Our medical professionals in San Francisco have years of experience and have treated thousands of patients.
Yes, there are different lasers that yield different results. At Aura, we use an alexandrite wavelength best for fair skin types and a YAG wavelength best for darker skin types. Our medical professionals will explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the different wavelengths during the consultation.
A tricky part of the procedure is targeting the hair follicle without damaging the melanin pigment in the surface of the skin. Different lasers are used for different skin types. At Aura, we have lasers for all skin types. The doctor or nurse practitioner will determine which laser is safest for your skin type.
Multiple sessions are required because hair grows in cycles. The number of treatments required depends upon your skin color, hair color and coarseness of the hair. Everyone will require at least six treatments as the process is only effective when the hair follicle is in its active growth phase. The hair’s active growth phase is approximately every four to eight weeks, the duration between each treatment.
Once a series is complete, some maintenance may be required to keep an area completely devoid of hair. These maintenance treatments may only be required at half-yearly or yearly intervals. This is dependent on the area being treated and the individual. Results vary from individual to individual.
Multiple sessions are required for this treatment because your hair grows in cycles. The procedure is effective when treatments are performed during the hair’s active growth phase. This is typically every four to eight weeks, the duration between treatments.
Schedule A Consultation For Laser Hair Removal In San Francisco, CA
Interested in learning more about Laser Hair Removal? Call 415-788-3800 to schedule your consultation today! Our practice serves San Francisco, CA & all nearby areas.