4 Foods That Will Make Your Skin Glow

Skin Care, San Francisco, CA

After the hectic rush of the holidays, it’s time to take a breather and evaluate how you can love yourself a little more. One of the easiest ways is self-care—specifically of the food variety. We’re talking about taking better care of your skin by eating more of these four foods. At Aura Skin Spa, we provide a variety of wonderful services to help you look your best. Along with that, consider how you can integrate the following foods into your diet to help your skin look even better!

Red or Yellow Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are high in beta carotene and vitamin C. These are both valuable antioxidants that enhance skin health. Vitamin C is also an essential ingredient to generating collagen. Collagen helps maintain skin elasticity and suppleness. Integrate more bell peppers into your diet by sautéing them up next to some grilled fish or adding them to a breakfast burrito.


This cruciferous vegetable is packed to the rim with vitamins and minerals essential for skin health. Vitamins C and A as well as zinc are just three of these power packed ingredients. Broccoli helps protect against oxidative damage which can make the skin become more wrinkled. Try using more broccoli in your diet by blending a little into your morning smoothie, steaming it with some of your favorite vegetables, or adding it to a hearty soup.


Tomatoes are known for their vitamin C content as well as lycopene. These protect your skin against sun damage and help diminish the chance of wrinkling. Add more tomatoes to your plate by slicing a few into a green salad, including some with your sandwich or scrambled eggs.

Arrange Your Consultation

At Aura Skin Spa, our goal is always to help you look and feel your best. We have the tools to help you in the form of our state of the art procedures and services. In addition to adding these foods to your diet this New Year, consider how some of our treatments can leave you feeling even better. Call today to schedule your appointment at (415) 788-3800.

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