When it comes to skin care, hopefully your already know (and practice) the five most important basics:
- Wash gently
- Eat healthy
- Drink lots of water
- Use sunscreen
- Don’t smoke
There’s one more crucial step for making sure you’re doing all you can to protect and improve the appearance of your skin:
Make sure you use a product that contains retinol
Rentinol is considered the most effective anti-aging ingredient available in over the counter products. And many of us were introduced to retinol at an early age, to help with treating acne. As it turns out, the same reasons it’s prescribed for acne are the reasons you should definitely be using it to improve your skin, adult acne or not, by the time you’re in your mid-20s. Why?
Retinol stimulates collagen, increasing skin thickness and elasticity
By starting your retinol use at a young age, you’re strengthening your skin’s foundation and helping it resist wrinkles as you age. And these days, there are many great over the counter skin creams and serums that contain retinoids.
Using retinoids: the basics
The creams contain moisturizing ingredients that can clog pores and cause breakouts for people with oily skin, but dry skinned people can usually benefit from them. Serums are water-based and will usually contain a higher concentration of retinol, which can be beneficial to those with oily skin or prone to acne.
Using retinol can be challenging, but worth it
First-time users will experience some irritation and dryness, so it’s always best to go easy, applying it sparingly, maybe every other day until the skin adapts. Additionally, while the skin around your eyes can definitely benefit from retinols, it can also be easily irritated by the product.
Which product is right for you?
With so many strengths and types of retinoids available, it can be difficult to choose the right product. At Aura Skin Spa, we can evaluate your individual needs and help identify the best treatments and products for your skin. Make an appointment today by calling: (415) 788-3800.