How to Curb your Holiday Food Cravings

Cravings, in general, are quite the monster to wrangle, but when the holidays roll around, they may feel completely uncontrollable. Luckily, you don’t have to be at the mercy of occasional or chronic cravings. Simple behavioral and mental tricks can help you navigate Thanksgiving and Christmas treats while still enjoying the holidays.

Identify healthy food substitutes

During your workday, fellow employees are sure to bring in holiday treats to share. Have your stash of snacks on hand like whole grain crackers and cheese, apples and peanut butter, or vegetables and hummus. You’ll notice you won’t experience the same sugar high and subsequent crash like your colleagues.

If you crave it, eat it less often.

This may seem like an obvious thing to do, but we may have difficulty doing it. When we give in to our cravings every time, we’re merely reinforcing the habit of eating badly. This doesn’t mean you need to stop eating your favorite sweets or treats completely, just do so less often.

Understand and use portion control

It is fine to allow yourself to have a favorite food you crave. But don’t eat the whole cake, just a proper portion. Also, don’t buy holiday treats to fill your cabinets at home. By doing this, you’re just asking for an afternoon binge on Christmas cookies or your favorite holiday fudge. As you resist foods you crave, you will help diminish the link between mindless eating and environmental cues.

Take up a new hobby

Take out those paintbrushes and canvas you’ve had stored since college and try your hand at creating a winter scene. The trick here is to distract your mind from food cravings with non-food activities. If painting isn’t your thing, do 100 jumping jacks, go for a walk, read a favorite book, or call a friend to say Happy Holidays.

Schedule an appointment

To find out how to feel and look your best this holiday season, call Aura Skin Spa today. Our services include everything from laser therapy, fat reduction, to specialized skin treatments. Call our team now with any questions you may have. You can reach our office at (415) 788-3800. We’re excited to hear from you!

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