Laser Hair Removal: Prep for Summer Now

Spring is officially here! In case you missed it, the first day of spring was the 20th of this month. And, yes, we are so ready for warmer weather. Out come the day dresses and cut-off denim shorts that allow us to bare our legs. But wait. Did you remember to shave your legs first?

 If the idea of shaving your legs every day is making you wish for cooler weather, then you need to learn about an amazing, painless hair removal technology. Keep reading to learn about our laser hair reduction system.

What laser do you use to remove hair?

We prefer and use the Candela GentleMax Pro laser machine, which is multi-functional. It’s designed to remove hair, but can also be used to remove sun spots and veins that show up uninvited on the legs or face.

What can I expect during my laser treatment?

The GentleMax Pro laser provides a small handheld piece to allow us better control of the laser and where it’s directed on your skin. This laser delivers a controlled amount of therapeutic heat to remove unwanted hair on the body.

Depending on the size of the area being treated, your appointment could last a few minutes or up to an hour. The larger the area, the more time it will take us to go over it with the laser. We can help you plan accordingly when you make your appointment.

Some patients do report some slight discomfort during laser treatments, but we offer Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) to help cool the skin and keep you comfortable throughout your treatment.

Will one treatment give me smooth skin?

All laser hair removal treatments require multiple treatments to get all of the hair in the targeted area. Don’t let anyone trick you into thinking you’ll be perfectly smooth after just one sitting.

Multiple sessions are required because we have hair growing in different stages of the growth cycle. They’re treated in a specific stage of growth, but after they’re gone, they’re not coming back!

Are you ready to learn more about laser hair removal? Call us today at (415) 788-3800 to discuss laser hair reduction and how we can help you have a smooth summer!

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