Meet the fat destroyer

LipoSonixYou know the annoying, unattractive and unwanted inch you can pinch on your stomach – or those love handles that you hate? Maybe you’ve been battling those problem areas with diet and exercise for years. And it seems that no matter what you do, your muffin top just keeps popping up! It’s time to do something that can melt away your bulges – and your frustration. You can permanently destroy unwanted fat.

Until now, the only way to really remove fat from a specific area was with liposuction. Now there is LipoSonix, which can non-surgically remove fat from problem areas around the waistline – with little pain and virtually no down time. And the only side effect is some slight bruising that lasts for a few days. Then over eight to 12 weeks, you body naturally rids itself of the destroyed fat. The average man or woman can lose about one to one and a half inches – with some people reporting losing up to four inches.

Here are the Top 15 basic facts that make LipoSonix fat reduction such an exciting procedure for Aura Skin patients:

  1. It’s designed to reduce stubborn fat around the abdomen and waist
  2. It uses high-intensity focused ultrasound energy to destroy unwanted fat
  3. The treatments take only about one hour
  4. It’s non-surgical and non-invasive
  5. There is little to no downtime
  6. There are little to no side effects
  7. You can drop one dress or pant size in about two weeks
  8. The procedure is FDA-approved
  9. Unlike other weight-loss options, it is the only technology that can permanently destroy fat cells
  10. The procedure penetrates through your skin, but doesn’t damage your skin
  11. You see some results after only one procedure
  12. The procedure can give you a thinner waistline and a more contoured figure
  13. It can’t be used to fight obesity,
  14. It works best for unwanted fat around your waist that you’ve been unable to get rid of with diet and exercise
  15. You can call us today for your fat destroying LipoSonix treatment:
    (415) 788-3800
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