What your skin needs right now

Microdermabrasion It’s a great time for revitalizing, healing and anti-aging skin care, but with so many choices, how’s a person to decide which procedure to choose for which problem? The best way is to simply make an appointment for a face-to-face consultation, and we can work together to create a personalized treatment plan for you. Call today: (415) 788-3800. Choosing the right solution usually start by asking questions that can help us identify your skin problem(s), for example:


Do you have oily skin and/or acne?

Discover Microdermabrasion

The treatment uses an exfoliating vacuum attachment that can clean away dead skin, and the suction can help to clean out pores and remove oil plugs better than peels or laser treatments. Microdermabrasion can also help temporarily reduce your face’s oil production. If you have cystic acne or lots of inflammation, however, microdermabrasion treatments might not be a good choice for you. At this point in time, lasers still aren’t the best method for treating acne, but there are some in development that may provide relief in the near future.


Do you have sun damage spots?

Discover Chemical Peels and Lasers

Along with brown spots left as proof of your unprotected time in the sun, you may also have many fine lines and wrinkles on your face and elsewhere. In addition to appearing blotchy, your skin might also look leathery.

Laser treatments, such as IPL and Fraxel can a good job of reversing signs of sun damage, but if you’re under the age of 40 with minimal damage, a series of light Skinmedica Vitalize peels may help improve the appearance of your skin.

Also remember that it’s never too late to start using sunscreen, and you should commit to using it every day, any time you go outside – even driving in your car.


Do you have rosacea?

Discover a two-step approach

You may need to start with topical prescriptions and perhaps antibiotics before considering laser treatments. Once rosacea is under control, IPL treatments, for example, have shown success in clearing small red veins, flushing and other signs of this skin condition.

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