Are you the right age for Botox?

BotoxMore than half a million women between the ages of 19 and 34 had Botox (or Dysport of Xeomin) injections last year, according to a recent report issued by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). That means a lot of women who aren’t even old enough to drink are already treating their wrinkles.


Millennials are opting for anti-aging treatments

Most providers of cosmetic skin treatments have witnessed the growth of both women and men between the ages of 21 and 29 requesting Botox injections. They see having Botox injected in the brow and between the eyes as a smart preventive measure when it comes to curbing deep wrinkles in the future.


Preventing wrinkles actually can be better than treating them later

Anyone interested in Botox treatments will likely see results from preventing their facial muscles from creating the deepest furrows and lines in their faces. But sometimes after decades of squinting or scowling, Botox won’t completely erase the lines. So it can make sense to make use of the treatment in our 20s, before those deep lines have had a chance to etch the face.


An ounce of prevention….

You know the rest. And as it turns out, in the case of Botox, the old adage is true: it’s easier to prevent our wrinkles than to try and “treat” them after they’ve formed permanently. By using Botox, we’re reducing the muscle contractions that over time, create frown lines between the brows, on the forehead and around the eyes, making  us appear tired and aged beyond our years.


So what’s the perfect age?

Botox continues to be one of the simplest and most effective non-surgical procedures for smoothing the skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles, for adults of all ages. As long as you understand the risks and are realistic about your expectations, Botox could provide noticeable improvement within days, and it can last for months.


Men and women between 18 and 80 can be candidates

Make your free consultation appointment today to find out if Botox is the right treatment for you. Call now: (415) 788-3800.

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