What Microdermabrasion can do for You

Microdermabrasion is a skin rejuvenation treatment that can treat discoloration, sun damage, and light scarring. By using a minimally abrasive instrument, the old, uneven, top skin layer is sanded away. Let’s review the benefits, risks, and results of microdermabrasion.

The Benefits of Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion can enhance your collagen, resulting in the younger looking skin. As a child, you have higher amounts of collagen that make your skin look smooth and full. As we age, collagen creation decreases resulting in loose and uneven looking skin. Microdermabrasion can:

  • Improve age spots and dark patches
  • Exfoliate and refresh your skin
  • Lessen the appearance of stretch marks and wrinkles
  • Reduce large pores and treat acne scars

The Risks of Microdermabrasion

Any discomfort associated with microdermabrasion is usually temporary. If you experience swelling or redness, this will diminish within a few hours. In some cases, you may have the flaky or dry skin for a few days after your treatment. Additional risks include:

  • Bruising
  • Sensitive skin (Be sure you use sunscreen after your treatment)

Microdermabrasion Results

The results of your microdermabrasion treatment will depend on the health of your skin and the number of treatments you receive. Some individuals have two microdermabrasion treatments per month to maintain a polished and refined look. Consult with your skin specialist to determine how many treatments you need and how often you should get them.

Arrange a consultation

During your microdermabrasion consultation, be ready to address any medical conditions or drug allergies you have, current medications you are on, and your expectations for the treatment. Your specialist may take photographs of your skin, discuss how microdermabrasion works, and address the outcomes associated with the treatment. This consultation is the perfect time to ask any questions you have or voice your concerns.

If you are interested in what microdermabrasion can do for your skin, contact Aura Skin Spa today at (415) 788-3800. We offer a variety of services in skin rejuvenation and care including laser therapy and fat reduction. We look forward to helping you achieve younger and more refreshed looking skin. Don’t hesitate to call us with your questions about what our services can do for you.

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